
Hey everyone! 
          	I’ve just started posting my new Theodore Nott fic, I took loads of requests and opinions after my last Theo x fem Oc fic and I hope this one pleases everyone <333 
          	This fic will follow an au without Voldemort. The Nott family is more so a mafia type and it will follow many other familiar characters and ships like Pansy, Blaise, Drarry, etc. (The most important theme is Vampires but I won’t spoil anything here)
          	Hope you enjoy, please leave requests and thoughts down below xx 


Hey everyone! 
          I’ve just started posting my new Theodore Nott fic, I took loads of requests and opinions after my last Theo x fem Oc fic and I hope this one pleases everyone <333 
          This fic will follow an au without Voldemort. The Nott family is more so a mafia type and it will follow many other familiar characters and ships like Pansy, Blaise, Drarry, etc. (The most important theme is Vampires but I won’t spoil anything here)
          Hope you enjoy, please leave requests and thoughts down below xx 


          Thank you all for your lovely comments on my last post<3 I appreciate it!! 
          I have decided to unpublished the work ‘Alohomora-TN’ because of the criticism I’d received on the ending. I don’t blame anyone but it was easily explained in the authors note that this was a book I was writing when the news of my mum’s cancer was received. The ending was rushed and I apologize, but the comments were relentless and very disrespectful. 
          ‘I love plants’ will stay published, even if I’m not very proud of it. It’s kinda become a cult classic to us Neville fans and I don’t wanna take that away. 
          HOWEVER, I will be re-writing it! 
          Once I finish my nevillextheo book I’ve been updating, I will be re writing ‘I love plants’ and hopefully it will be something I’m more proud of. 


@Kyalongbottom I am honestly so sorry with all of the terrible criticism you received off of 'Alohomora'. I was just in the middle of reading it and I personally was finding it really great! I respect you decision and hope you feel better soon. Thank you anyway for putting your effort into a really good book! I hope others start to realise how harsh their words can be and keep it to themselves. Again so sorry you had to read those comments and for how they probably made you feel I hope everything goes well for you from here 


How hurt would everyone be if I took down these works:
          ‘I love plants NL’
          ‘Alohomora TN’
          I’m personally not feeling like they represent me as an author anymore  everyone complains about them in the comments so much but also they are my top 2 most read works. 


@kylalongbottom Girl, You worked too damn hard on those books to take them down, obviously if their your most read works they are obviously doing something well. Please don’t take down your two best stories just because of some hate comments. If they have a problem with your shrouds their are plenty of books on watt pad to choose from. Please don’t make most authors on this platform do and delete ur excellent story.


@Kyalongbottom Noo imma say it for the people in the back, ME, A QUIET READER, LOVES I LOVE PLANTS.


Hello everyone! 
          I have updated both my Pansy Parkinson book and my Regulus Black book! <3 
          !!!!!and surprise!!!!
          I went through a hardcore Percy Weasley phase recently and it inspired this random short story I wanted to write, so keep your eyes out for that because it’s actually almost finished!❤️ (reminder this one will only be a short story, so around 30mins long)