
@RealSaramusic No, thanks to you for fanning :D


ANIS! How are you? :)
          I miss your one-shot stories *O*
          Are you gonna do another one? Can I be one of the characters? Please! Please! =)


hahah nvm babe. yes I feel like crying every time my quizzes marks came out. I feel stupid T.T well college is so not a walk in the park ugh I hate life lol.


Sooo I just read this reply of yours sarreh xD
            Well... COLLEGE IS A KILLER honestly. And yeah. Still boring and hectic as always. Hby?


I'm sorry for the so so so late reply. Got so caught up with the last big exam in my school life. Now waiting for the result to get into college. No fun being a grown up *sigh* Well I'm kinda outta ideas for the moment lol. How's life babe?


Heya :) I Uploaded finally! Thanks for the suggestion on Alec and I decided to go with Logan Henderson instead because the guy looks totally nerdy and cute. Logan Lermon felt a lil too young for the cast I chose and Chris Evan didn't seem like a typically cute nerd.