
I don’t know if any of you are active anymore. But. Merry Christmas and a happy new year! I don’t know when I’ll be an active writer again. But it might happen eventually. 


I'm sorry....I'm sorry I'm incapable of writing....sorry that it's terrible.....sorry I deleted everything. Anything that I do post in the future would probably just be depressing and terrible. I don't mind if you unfollow me, I know I'll deserve it for being such a terrible and fat person. 


Guys, I am so sorry for not updating at all. It's just, idk, every time I try to write, literally nothing comes out. I have no idea why. But, I really really want to make a habit of updating once a day, or every other day. So, hopefully I can eventually achieve that. 
          Oh and to all of my new followers, thanks so much for following me. I really wonder how you guys even still manage to find me without me actually updating. Thanks so much guys.  :)