
I'm alive.
          	The problem is, I lied about my previous post. While I, indeed, had Winter Break to write more chappies...I didn't write. I've been bombarded with more school work and projects (God, the *projects*), and I try to write little by little, but I don't think I can update anytime soon. My English teacher, I love her and all, but she's crazy. Essays and speeches, one after the other. Then again, it's AP Language and Composititon. 
          	*Screams into the Heavens*


When will you coutinue with the books? I have been waiting for it months


Okay, but please coutine writing


@user59701502 =w= I am sorry for making you wait. For the past several months I've lacked the motivation to write, and to be completely honest, my brain just stopped thinking about what to write next. I will do my best to pick them up again.


I'm alive.
          The problem is, I lied about my previous post. While I, indeed, had Winter Break to write more chappies...I didn't write. I've been bombarded with more school work and projects (God, the *projects*), and I try to write little by little, but I don't think I can update anytime soon. My English teacher, I love her and all, but she's crazy. Essays and speeches, one after the other. Then again, it's AP Language and Composititon. 
          *Screams into the Heavens*


So, it has been 2 to 3 months since I last updated, and I am terribly sorry for that to those who are anticipating further chapters. At the same time, I'm overjoyed by the votes and the follows, so thank you so much! Finals are next week, and I'm cramming everything to fit the study guides. Once finals are over, I'm greeted with two weeks of Winter Break! I can make the new chapters during then and I'll try to post as soon as I can! So please be patient further! >w<


Thank you so much for your support and understanding! I wish the best of luck to you too on finals!


@KumaKuma0911 I can understand you, my finals are next week too and it's really stressful!!! So take your time and concentre on your finals. I wish you good luck!!


To those who read the first chapter of "Through the Years," I realized that the summary is not really interesting and eye-catching. With that said, I need help making a new summary. Should I do a dialogue summary, a sentence summary for every age, or a full blow-out summary?