
My friend is starting this amazing series, so please check it out! (I did the cover blep)


So I just updated the newly edited chapters of Prey, so for those who are reading along don't worry about any major changes beyond grammar. I am also gonna put up Chapter 12 and maybe edit a new story cover for a really fresh feel. Anyways thanks and all the hearts!


Hello again, anyone who follows me! First of all thanks for sticking around even if it’s because you forgot I even existed lol. Anyways I am going to be updating the chapters of Prey so far cuz grammar then try to get back into writing it. Please be patient xc


I legit keep putting stories up then getting scared that they suck and taking them down. I am contemplating trying to put up one more story but it isn't actually done so idk...would anyone actually read my stuff?


@Kris_Daedric You are awesome then x.x


@Kris_Daedric I have before and I probably will again ✌️


Gaaaaah its up x.x so nervous now. This story is different from all the others I have done in the past. I tend to drift towards a darker side of fantasy. But "Missing Winter" promises to be something to make you smile and make your heart warm. I just put up the first chapter so I urge all out you to please read and vote. Give me your comments and feed back. I want this story to make it to the 100 reads mark. Thanks guys I love you all!


I'm back guys. Sorry for the long absence. Irl things. Anyways I don't think I cam continue Blood Rose. I'm really sorry but I just have been gone so long that I no longer feel conmected to the story. I promise to make it up to you. I have a story already written and ready to go. I will post the first chapter and see how you guys react to it.


Well, we'll trust you to put out what you feel to be quality and connective. @Kris_Daedric