
Oh my god I’ve been dead for quite some time. I decided to unpublish one chapter with the story of Viridian in it out of embarrassment because at that time I wrote it when I was young as hell and had no clue of the Warner siblings ages. Please don’t hold me at gunpoint. 
          	Anywho, I’ll finish up the wakkos wish AU but then after that I’ll probably focus on pokemon or I’ll focus on FNF, not sure yet.


Oh my god I’ve been dead for quite some time. I decided to unpublish one chapter with the story of Viridian in it out of embarrassment because at that time I wrote it when I was young as hell and had no clue of the Warner siblings ages. Please don’t hold me at gunpoint. 
          Anywho, I’ll finish up the wakkos wish AU but then after that I’ll probably focus on pokemon or I’ll focus on FNF, not sure yet.


Hi guys! I’ll be writing a FNF book soon! I want to get a chapter out for Search ‘n hunt yet before I do write it however! The chapter is just about ready, all it needs is some finishing touches and then it will be done! Thanks so much for being patient with me and all the reads for both of my stories! ❤️
          Bye bye for now!


Hi everyone! I can assure you I’m alive and doing alright 
          I MIGHT take a break from Animaniacs and write some fanfics about other series I enjoy 
          Also no, this won’t mean I’ll stop writing Animaniacs stuff forever, I just don’t have a strong hyperflextation to it as much as a few other series 
          I’ll still focus on Animaniacs and also other series things!