
What is this update- ew-


When I finish Expiration (whenever that is), I'm going to revise it. 
          When I do that, I will polish the plot, to make it seem less random. Maybe I could start early, I'm not sure. Trust me, I love where it's going, but I need to fix it. I need to perfect it. 
          So, if the chapters are a little late, I'm sorry! I'm trying to work out this book. I want to finish it, but I know I have such a long time to do that.  


Chapter 13 is published! 
          I hope you like it, I know it's VERY late to post but I am :) I'll try to work on 14 sooner than I worked on this past one. I finished the short story, so I will have time. Well, kind of. I'm in a Literature Club now (president as well), and we get weekly prompts. It'll be stressful at times, but I want to improve. Please be patient with me 