
          	So I wont be working on any of my stories at the moment because I'll be working on a new story. No I haven't started writing it yet but I'll be writing it later tonight. And no, the story isn't a fanfic, it's an original piece from something I was inspired by. All the characters are original characters soley. And thus belongs to me. I'll be posting it in a few weeks. And I'll post a message whenever I'm getting ready to post it. I'm very excited to make this story and cannot wait to show you what I have in plan. 
          	-love, Logic 


          So I wont be working on any of my stories at the moment because I'll be working on a new story. No I haven't started writing it yet but I'll be writing it later tonight. And no, the story isn't a fanfic, it's an original piece from something I was inspired by. All the characters are original characters soley. And thus belongs to me. I'll be posting it in a few weeks. And I'll post a message whenever I'm getting ready to post it. I'm very excited to make this story and cannot wait to show you what I have in plan. 
          -love, Logic 


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Literally almost shit my fucking pants today cause I didn't know what was making this weird ass horrifying  noise outside my window and then remembered that I had a pubescent rooster. Still. 
          Fucking cock scares me. Lmao put me to sleep P l E a S e.


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Okay so. I just realized that Thursday and Friday are coming up fast so I'm gonna have to post the next chapter of a wingless bird maybe Saturday. This is what I'll start doing. I'll post every other two weeks like after this update I'll post in the next two weeks. And I'll update on Saturdays and if earlier done, Fridays. But that'll give me enough time to write and not rush it and make my chapters seem like shit. So. Yeah! 
          Also. Thomas freaking said hi to me today thanks to my fiancé and I want to scream in happiness. 


PSA: people. Please. Stay. In. Side. 
          This is starting to scare me, and so many more people are dying. I want all my lovely readers AND other families to be safe and healthy. But no one can be safe if you don't stay inside. Please. Please. 
          Take care of yourselves. 
          Stay inside. 
          Wash your hands. 
          And most importantly, take car EOD yourselves mentally. 
                 -my best wishes and love, Emile.


Hey guys. Sorry I've been dead for the past weeks, all this stuff with covid-19 has been stressful on me (wishing the best of luck to the families out there with covid-19),I've been stressing over work, and family fighting, siblings and trying to keep contact with my fiance, and to top it off I had to deal with a family death, so I haven't been in the best place to write, but I do have some updates for you guys for a wingless bird. I am writing it again and I'm planning on releasing the next chapter hopefully by either Thursday or Friday. If you guys want a sneak peak into the this chapter I'd be glad to put it here. 
          Until then, take care my lovelies, and please stay indoors for yours and others safety.
                  -Best wishes, Emile.


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So. I just posted that I can't write a wingless bird  on Wattpad anymore, because they keep deleting and miss placing my chapters right?
          I look at my views. 1k? 
          What the fuck if wrong with you guys, why are you making this so difficult for me?! Like, now I know I'ma end up hurting your lovely heart's because apparently you guys love my fucking story, and I'm CONFLICTED! like. I'm not ending it forever. I'm just moving it to Ao3 because Ao3 is alot better then Wattpad. I'm just sad that you guys are gonna be maybe upset that I'm not writing it here anymore. BUT you guys can always go to Ao3 under the name of Cyanide_Lace_Hugs_And_Holly and read it there. Just like. I'm most likely going to move ALL my books there. So just a fair warning. Anyways. Like, thank you on 1k views babes. But I still feel bad.