
- formaly Seargent of the GC Bhodum-Security-Regiment
- Ex-L'cie
- Warrior Goddess of Valhalla

- Mother from Clarah Farron
- she's the captain of the blitz squadron now.
- even she's not a L'Cie or warrior goddess anymore, odin follows her

"it's not a question of can or can't
There are some things in life you just do

focus on your ultimate goal
and shut out everything else.
Still your mind. Move on instinct

I'll never forget. I promised you that.
Even if i stand to lose everything, i'll preserve your memory for the tomorrows yet to be.
Come what may.
I could breathe my last breath, and the world be crumbling into oblivion.
There are ways to keep a thought alive.
And i know one that works for sure.
Indestructible crystal. Even in the sea of chaos, it never loses its shine.
I will become an eternal epitaph.
Your memory will survive for eternity within a crystal tomb.
This shall be my legacy, and my atonement.
But most of all...

Name: Lightning
Fullname: Eclair/Claire Farron
Age: 24
Birthday: 20th of December
Laguage: English, German, Japanese.
Height: 1,71m
Weapon: Gunblade
Job: (Soldier, Knight, Warrior, Valkyrie, Palladin, Mage, Goddess, Savior) captain of the blitz squadron
Eidolon: Odin
Hometown: Bodhum
Current Town: New World
Family members: Serah, Rygdea, Clarah, Raito, NORA, mog, Odin
  • JoinedOctober 25, 2015