
Im back from the grave!
          	I decided to come back since i already miss this writing thing,but i wont be online often in this account but i will (or not) be online in my second account.i have so much ideas in my head making genshin impact ocs in my stories so yeah.
          	Im back :D


Im back from the grave!
          I decided to come back since i already miss this writing thing,but i wont be online often in this account but i will (or not) be online in my second account.i have so much ideas in my head making genshin impact ocs in my stories so yeah.
          Im back :D


Hey! Long time no see,i guess.
          So i gonna tell this real quick
          I dont know if i am in hiatus anymore
          Im in the middle of re-thinking if writing is my thing or not
          I started going into wattpad and log in to it in april 2020
          I write after a few months since piggy was realesed
          Its just for fun actually,but didnt expect to have so much reads,thank you.
          I dont know how to say this, either having a break to writing or almost quit writing. I dont know if writing is just a hobby or just a dream job of mine,i am losing lots and lots of motivation and stress im having with school and real life problems,not to mention i have been having trouble to have a good night sleep to all of the things i have been thinking. I have 2 request since 2020 and i havent write them to this day,im sorry!
          I have decided to not write for a while since i dont have motivation,and lost interest to piggy. Piggy is a great game,i’ll always played it when im bored. But theres so much games out there that i am interested with,like genshin impact. I dont know when will i come back,but maybe one day if i recover from all of this,i will be answering some of your comments, dm me if you need anything!
          With that being said,i will leave to my world,my real world,to socialize with my friends and family.creating memories from them,i will come back, someday.taking a break from writing will help me with my problems,stay safe and take care.
          Bye bye!


@Kk_hafizhah read it all !↓
          ↓I mean it !↓
          If you were killed  , I wouldn't be at your funeral  .
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you  .
          We are true friends  .
          We ride together, we die together  .
          Send this to everybody you care about  , including me , if you care .
           #⃣See how many times u get this #⃣ 
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend  , till death and forever  .
          If I don't get this back  , I understand  .
          But I have a game for you  .
          Once you read this letter,
          you must send this to 15 people ,
          including me .
          ❤ If you get at least three back, you are loved. ❤
          Nobody knows how important something is  , until they lose it  .
          Tonight, (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you  .
          Then, from 1 : 00 pm to 2 : 00 pm  , be ready for the shock of your life  !
          If you break this chain  , you will have bad luck  .
          With love , send this to the 15
          If you don't, you will turn ugly in the next y e a r -
          A friend told me to do this, so past it on.
          Tomorrow, two boys / girls will ask if they can I have your number  ?
          Send this message to 15 nice  , people or bad luck starts for a whole year  .
          This is not fake  .
          Apparently, if you copy and paste this  , you will have the best day of your life tomorrow  !
          Good luck  !
          Oh  ! And don’t send this to a group chat -


@LynneDa_Wolf ah wait i found a way to copy and paste this,get ready with my gift as a thank you!


@LynneDa_Wolf aw my god thank you for this letter,this means so much to me!i hope i can copy and paste this but i cant! Well i can just give this to you on my second account,as a thank you! Thx for this,i am glad that your my friend,and always will! I will try my best for you. I am rare to be crying like this because i have never met a true friend like you! Thx for the letter btw. Have i great day/night!
            Gotta go to bed now!


Hey guys!
          Just wanna tell you that you can check out my second account
          Because i will ( or will not ) be active more than this account
          This account is multifandom
          While my second account is only for genshin impact and some other fandom not related to piggy and countryhumans.
          And the language will most likely be Indonesian ( did i spell that right? )
          Since i need to practice my spellings in indonesian language.
          I guess its enough for this informasion while i get back to my studying-
          Bye bye now 
          Have a great day/night!
          Stay safe!


Hey! Its been a while huh?
          Ok i need to say this real quick i need to do my homework-
          I was sick for a day and theres so many homework i need to do before the due date.
          I will turn my piggy oneshots into a multifandom oneshot book,i keep changing fandom now-
          Ok thats all i need to say so bye bye for now-
          Is my grammar correct?


Ok so um-
          Im going on hiatus. A G A I N. I have tons of stress from school and family problems,also motivation left me-
          I am discontinuing my piggy one shots book for a while since i left the piggy community,but doesnt mean i will leave it forever :D
          I will come back i promise-
          If i have time and motivation i will type some of my stories.
          Bye bye :D


@ Kk_hafizhah  okeh, selamat beristirahat :D


          Dude why do i keep reading sad fanfictions of other fandom but in the end i end up crying my self to sleep because i keep remembering those sad moments in the fanfiction-


@ Kk_hafizhah  :v


@FaiFincy //emot batu// gua sekarang sering banget baca cerita boboiboy elemental siblings :D
            Gua ga tega si taufan ama hali ternistakan jadinya aku sering nangis tapi ketawa karena ada satu kalimat yang pasti bikin bengek,ga jadi nangis deh.
            Bangsat emang //emot batu//


@kiawaPleb iya sedih,cuman kayak aku terpikat oleh cerita itu walaupun sedih jadi heran loh gua-
            Eh tau tau malem malem pas mau tidur keinget ceritanya terus nagis deh saking sedihnya :V