
Oh yeah i forgot to say it here but i do not plan on updating or even finishing them, if someone wants to go ahead just yk credit. But yeah i don't have the motivation to work over them cuz ya know cringee. SO if you still wanna read ma books go look over at @kiwitio i will be uploading my new books that i plan on finishing there! I will be putting this account to an rest, just having it to read the fanfictions that get updated. 
          	o7 my friends.


@ KiwiMattio  i do wanna say to this that my story wont be in german anymore due to me being more comfortable in writting in english. Welp 


Oh yeah i forgot to say it here but i do not plan on updating or even finishing them, if someone wants to go ahead just yk credit. But yeah i don't have the motivation to work over them cuz ya know cringee. SO if you still wanna read ma books go look over at @kiwitio i will be uploading my new books that i plan on finishing there! I will be putting this account to an rest, just having it to read the fanfictions that get updated. 
          o7 my friends.


@ KiwiMattio  i do wanna say to this that my story wont be in german anymore due to me being more comfortable in writting in english. Welp 


AAHHH so mist Leute i'm so sorry meine endwürfe sind immernoch weg und ich glaube ich finde sie so schnell nicht mehr. Da ich so ein dummes Kurzzeitgedächtnis habe weiß ich fast garnichts mehr. Daher wird es echt etwas dauern bis ein neues Kapitel hochgeladen wird. Ich versuche mein bestes 
          Icy hott ~《