
Life ain't going to be a pretty picture, 
          	But lets make the most of this canvas, 
          	and go crazy.


Hi! Just wanted to say thanks for the follow. :) Mind if I ask which of my books you are reading? Also, who is this on your background? I just recently started watching anime. I loved Sword Art Online and Mirrai Nikki (Future Diaries)


Not a problem (:
            Im reading Skipping time against the falling moons (:
            They are both really good! 
            The background is art, the artist i cannot remember. 
            Oh, SOA is very good!
            if you need other just let me know, i know many good ones :3
            Thankyou for messaging me! x
            M&Ms  for you (m) (m)


Hey guys, i am in the middle of writing a few new books, one which the first chapter should be published on Friday, after work. 
          I'm sorry i haven't been writing, i couldn't access my laptop. 
          I am also taking a harder course in school, and most of my time will be spend studying and working /: 
          BUT, I will post as regularly as i can on weekends, and when ever i get the chance. I promise to make a massive effort, and to try and either update/upload a chapter a week, upload a new book or a poem, or edit existing work. 
          I promise this new story will have a nice long start, Maybe. or i will upload two chapters at once, hows that sound? 
          Anyway, i love you all my brilliant fans! 