I'm Kirsten and the me right now is addicted to WATTPAD.
I read any random stories that has the genre of romance from Wattpad all day especially when
I'm bored just so you know :D
and I would really appreciate if you could follow me although I don't have any stories...
okay never mind I just want to feel the feeling having a lot of followers anyway its
not my choice if you follow me or not. :D ANYWAY NICE TO MEET YOU IF YOU EVER COME TO MY PAGE~!!! :D

PS I'm a Directioner, JCat, Benedict Carlton Cumberbatch :D <3 and I'm part of the
Bro Army Anyone care to brofist me?? hehe ...........
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
BROFIST .............
  • JoinedJanuary 6, 2013

4 Reading Lists