
Chapter 17 is out now. Finally a little action to spice things up. We are almost done with the book. Let me know what you would like to see next. Any story suggestions I am open too in this early stage. Book 2 is well under the way.


Chapter 17 is out now. Finally a little action to spice things up. We are almost done with the book. Let me know what you would like to see next. Any story suggestions I am open too in this early stage. Book 2 is well under the way.


With half of my book being finished, I would like to see where you guys would like this series to continue. I am asking now so I can get everything ready for you guys as soon as possible. These two options I plan on doing, but which one would you like to read first:
          The next official book centering around Hunter the Doberman specifically, without the paw patrol, or would you want me to attempt to rewrite the paw patrol series from this perspective (if I can do all the episodes through this fanfic I will, but I most likely will do the highlights).
          Both projects will be coming, but it's your decision on which project you will want to see next.
          Again, for clarity:
          Hunter 1 (temporary title)
          Paw patrol series (with the UDCFR twist to it)


I am already at work on the next book. Would you like me to post the rest of this book a chapter a day and wait for the next book, or would you like it to continue being every Saturday? Let me know so I can give you a positive experience.