
Ok... I just dropped a new chapter out for a new book... damn that took a while its 100% my longest chapter to date... and I think I might have dropped the ball on some little things but I could just pick it up, next time man... no biggie... next plan is to finish up what I started I have A LOT of stuff that's ready to go... but need touching up a bit


Ok... I just dropped a new chapter out for a new book... damn that took a while its 100% my longest chapter to date... and I think I might have dropped the ball on some little things but I could just pick it up, next time man... no biggie... next plan is to finish up what I started I have A LOT of stuff that's ready to go... but need touching up a bit


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January 1st, 2023 11:45 PM... I fucking BARELY GOT OUT CHAPTER 0, 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF WCP... I wanted to get out chapter 5 as well but it just wasn't working out but I just wanted to get something out at the beginning of the year...  but damn... it really came down to the last second