
Please Help me name my DR cat and lizard‍


So sorry for spam messaging but I also think it's important to spread Tone Indicators. I recently found out about these and I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware of what they mean and why they're used. Correct me if I'm wrong but the reason they're used is to help Neurodivergent people who have hard times picking up on whether something is a joke or not etc. Here is the list of them and what they mean. 
          /ij=inside joke
          /neg-/ng=negative connotation
          /pos-pc=positive connotation
          /rh=rhetorical question
          /gen=genuine question
          /lyric(s)-ly= lyrics of a song
          /nm=not mad
          /nbh=nobody here
          /sx-x=sexual intent
          /nsx-nx=non sexual intent
          I will have these in my Bio! Also feel free to do more research on them if you'd like!


@UserAvery857487 Don't worry about it! Glad I helped!


@KingHaroldisgod I’m very late to this but tysm I’ve been wanting to know about these 2


Hey guys sorry for another message but I saw this tiktok and I think it's very important to share on here and spread awareness to it. Please stop using Fancy copy and paste fonts because it's really hard for people with eye sight disabilities, Dyslexia etc. Often times those people will use screen readers. Meaning that their screen reader possibly won't pick up on a letter so it will completely mess up the word and it won't make sense and in some cases it just won't pick up the words at all. There are also people who don't have disabilities but it'll still be hard to read. So please for everyones sake do not use fancy copy and paste fonts. You're probably wondering what fonts you can and can't use and here's how to tell. First choose your fonts, then type out a word like "Morning" then copy that word and paste it onto your search bar. If it comes out as "Morning" in the normal search font then that's an okay font to use. However if you choose a font and it pastes as the font you're using then it is not okay to use because the screen readers won't pick it up. If you need more information you can ask @jadevicturner over on tiktok.


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I just found out they have Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends on Hulu and I'm crying because it's been years since I've seen this show. I was literally in love with it so now I'm forcing my baby cousin to watch it so he knows about all the good shows and not the crappy shit they put on for kids now. Like he's 1 and obsessed with the Shrek movies and Coraline. I'm very proud of him.


@KingHaroldisgod as he should  shrek is amazingggg


Happy pride month! I hope you guys stay safe and are doing well. Please don't feel ashamed for being something you can't choose. It doesn't matter what your sexuality or gender identity is. As long as you're happy and comfortable that's all the matters and don't let anyone try to make it seem otherwise. Love you all, you're always welcome to message me if need a talk.


@KingHaroldisgod you thought wrong :/


@Boogedy NOT THE SLUR- WOWWWWW I CANT BELIEVE YOU I....I thought we were friends....


this message may be offensive
@KingHaroldisgod i'm blocking you you're weird fucking fag 