
So on the 22 of November about five or six days ago me entire house burnt to the ground including my journals and my story sketches and illustrations and all my research so I will be a bit behind on literally everything but on the up side I did manage to get my three dogs and my two pups out of the fire with minor injuries also last night I stepped on a board with four nails so I'm kinda bed ridden right now but I will be writing before you know it


So on the 22 of November about five or six days ago me entire house burnt to the ground including my journals and my story sketches and illustrations and all my research so I will be a bit behind on literally everything but on the up side I did manage to get my three dogs and my two pups out of the fire with minor injuries also last night I stepped on a board with four nails so I'm kinda bed ridden right now but I will be writing before you know it


Some people can just bring out the worst I mean I was making a harmless theory and this rude ass comments have you ever heard of fiction so you know casually comment back you know yes I've heard of fiction I am a writer I write fiction do you know what they do they come back and they say oh you're not a writer it's pretty pitiful that you're actually lying trying to justify yourself wow just wow playing the victim card they said so you know what I decided to play a card of my own I brought up how I was a writer put my account down for them and then consisted to comment on their lack of evidence proving that I was lying which then made them look like an idiot and they're idiotic little minds couldn't even comprehend the simple Minor details that it was simply a theory and that their mind was incapable of coming up with such things because well they're so close-minded they can't seem to see past their own f****** ego like seriously with is up with people now a days?


going on night six of writing without stopping i thought i saw a humanoid chesheer cat peeking out from under the bed and from my door way but i checked and nothing was there anymore maybe just too much coffee


So I've been working on a lot of my stories as well as new one and even some from my old accounts and even my secondary. Please try to be patient and if there are any immediate request I will do my best to speed it up a bit I've literally been writing in my journal as well as typing them out on my computer and my phone.


sorry i haven't updated in a while my computer was messing up and lost my glasses( still looking for them) and then i got my computer working but ditched it when i heard my neighbor screaming for help because his jack slipped and the car fell on his arm so been a little busy please forgive me or don't don't mind either way its  up to y'all


Hey everyone it's Arun I need some advice. My friend fell down the stairs while it's raining and she's going to a hospital by ambulance I dont really want her to go because I can't be there to help her move or basically anything but I know she needs to go so she is but now I feel uneasy and anxious is their anyway to get rid of this weird emotion? And is it normal?