
(Morbid. Vampire. Romance. I'm not experienced in any of these-)
          	I stood there frozen as the moonlight shined through the castle window illuminating the secrets held within. Her pale skin glowed like a diamond as the moon shined upon her skin. Her dark hair providing a nice contrast to the crimson red held in her eyes. I watched as she brought the hypnotized victim's neck towards her and sucked away every drop of life from him. Her lips stained a shade of red one could only dream to have. I was horrified by the image I saw yet I couldn't move. I wanted to scream yet I couldn't utter a word. I was in a trance.... But then I saw those hunger filled eyes move.... and this time I was the one they were looking at. I found some courage hidden deep in my soul and I ran. I ran as fast as I could but she was faster. Suddenly I was pinned to a wall as a pair of cold lips grazed mine. This was the woman I fell in love with.... Before I knew what she was. Her hand in my as the other pulled me closer from the waist. My mind was screaming at me to run otherwise I'll die. I tried... half heartedly... It felt so wrong yet so right. If this was the way I'm dying then be it. 
          	(Andddd I'm done~ lmao what an amazing writer I am!)


@Killer_hell what noooo, I don't think so? I mean I only really started writing last year compared to people that have been writing for like 9+ years so I think my doubts are reasonable-


@reveriedusang you have writer's blindness


@Killer_hell thank you! And yeah I don't know I just see flaws everywhere in my writing and always feel like I have much to improve.


(Morbid. Vampire. Romance. I'm not experienced in any of these-)
          I stood there frozen as the moonlight shined through the castle window illuminating the secrets held within. Her pale skin glowed like a diamond as the moon shined upon her skin. Her dark hair providing a nice contrast to the crimson red held in her eyes. I watched as she brought the hypnotized victim's neck towards her and sucked away every drop of life from him. Her lips stained a shade of red one could only dream to have. I was horrified by the image I saw yet I couldn't move. I wanted to scream yet I couldn't utter a word. I was in a trance.... But then I saw those hunger filled eyes move.... and this time I was the one they were looking at. I found some courage hidden deep in my soul and I ran. I ran as fast as I could but she was faster. Suddenly I was pinned to a wall as a pair of cold lips grazed mine. This was the woman I fell in love with.... Before I knew what she was. Her hand in my as the other pulled me closer from the waist. My mind was screaming at me to run otherwise I'll die. I tried... half heartedly... It felt so wrong yet so right. If this was the way I'm dying then be it. 
          (Andddd I'm done~ lmao what an amazing writer I am!)


@Killer_hell what noooo, I don't think so? I mean I only really started writing last year compared to people that have been writing for like 9+ years so I think my doubts are reasonable-


@reveriedusang you have writer's blindness


@Killer_hell thank you! And yeah I don't know I just see flaws everywhere in my writing and always feel like I have much to improve.


Hmmm should I write something?


@reveriedusang XD on it! (Also you started using brackets! Niceeeee. And I was intentionally reading that writing sooo)


@Killer_hell hmmm okay! Then write something positively morbid about a vampiric romance ;) (also, about your comments, the writing you commented on is probably weirder by itself, so they're justified)


@reveriedusang sweetheart..... You really think that it can be "weird" after the bs i wrote in your comments!?! Lmao now I wanna know what you'll suggest


(The promised para) 
          I held her hand in mine as I slowly started loosing consciousness. I felt calm. I was at peace. I could see all the happy memories I made with her flash before my eyes and I couldn't help but smile. I saw the day I first met her in a bakery. I felt the butterflies that I had when we shared our first kiss. I sensed the pride I felt as I promised to hold her hand and never let go. I saw the goosebumps on my body just like when I held our kid for the first time. I was alive before I met her but I started living when she held me close to never let go. I'm content with the life I led because I had you by my side. I'm thankful for a life where you were a part of it. Now my time has come. Thank you for the memories you gave me love. 
          Goodbye sweetheart. 
          (La fin~)


@reveriedusang I'm happy as long as you like it. Now I gotta give my brain cells rest. I wrote too much!


@Killer_hell awe this one's quite sweet. Sort of like closure from the first one you wrote. 


Considering I traumatized a certain someone I'm thinking about writing something uplifting. And i will. Like right after this post. Also I'm writing so much now- sheesh! Who writes so much (not me- i don't usually write- at all-)


@Killer_hell I know right?? It's sickening. 


@reveriedusang The fact that there are crimes that make murders look nice often does by people protected by society horrifies me. Disgusting. (Aww you don't me to be traumatized! How very sweet of you!)


@Killer_hell well for one I don't wish to traumatize you and if I did set out to write about those topics I'd probably just traumatize myself, so you're probably right in believing I can't.


I watch close as he bled in my arms. I could do nothing but to stare at those lifeless eyes that once held my whole world. I could feel my heart stinging in pain as tears left my eyes. In this moment as I held you in my arms for one last time, I felt everything yet nothing at all. I was numb yet not. I was shattered but not. I held you close in my arms one last time before I let you go forever. I promised that I'll protect you but I couldn't. I felt pathetic. A hero meant to protect the whole world can't even protect the man they love. I felt angry with myself. I was disgusted with my abilities. I could've done more! I could've saved you! Why did it end like this!?! I'm sorry love.... But this time I'm not letting you go alone. ( inspired by the " A hero would sacrifice you for the world but the villian will sacrifice the world for you" except hero loved the villian)


@reveriedusang XD I mean it's not like you could've seen it coming. I don't write something so tragic often. Wait- i don't even write often- Well anyways I'm glad you like the writing XD


@Killer_hell I feel like I should have expected it at this point. Also, you shouldn't doubt yourself!! (I should really follow my own advice here)


@reveriedusang i just don't write very often. Mostly because I'm not confident in my skills but I do come up with good stories every now and then (you weren't expecting this? really?)


Sooo I had a Tumblr account- which I remembered right now- because of the lines I wrote that went like
          "Strange the world can be
          Where strangers not as mean
          As the voice inside my mind
          Or the monsters that haunt my sleep
          Maybe because I'm scared
          That the monster I hate is nobody but me"