
Posted another chapter in my mini series. Yes, this chapter is part of the overarching alternate universe with Misaki. Have fun with Zoro today, guys. I’m working on another chapter from my main series too


So my characters are cheeky bastards that keep taking the reins to my story. I got a little off track in the last couple chapters xD no spoilers in the comments but I hope you guys enjoy 
           Just dropped three more chapters guys. I love how I say I plan to slow down then BAM three more chapters haha


@Autumn-Konner oh you definitely will like the last couple chapters XD spoiled indeed


I keep seeing people voting for my Luffy chapters out of order. Are you guys jumping around? Because it’s really best if you read it start to finish. Very much an arc and story driven piece of writing. I promise it’s worth reading in order! 
          Regardless, glad you guys are enjoying it! I don’t think I have ever had such a tremendously fleshed out character such as Misaki. I swear she feels real. Sometimes the story takes a different direction than I initially intended and it feels like the characters are behind it haha 


@Sipsakiss thank you!!!! Awe, I get jumping around if you already read the whole thing, lol. I definitely think I have to do some isekai spin offs. I just still have so many ideas for my current one 


@Kilava1231 it’s one of my most favorite books I reread every single chapter! You’re a super nice and cool writer with wicked cool ideas and I live for all of them 


Nooooo it’s worth reading from start to finish I promise haha. Hope you like it regardless! I know it’s long but it’s a lot easier to follow from start to finish. 


Thank you for the support! My Luffy story has reached over 20k views and 1k stars! Thank you guys and please remember I love getting comments on the story! I am going to focus a little on some of my other stories this weekend but I do have another story arch for the Luffy story! Please stay tuned!


*inhales* I’M WRITING AN ORIGINAL STORY. Had this story in my head for years. Never put a single word of it on paper, but it’s there! I will keep posting consistently on my Luffy story. I still have a couple major arcs in mind! The story is FAR from over. 
          But please check out my original if you get the chance. The third chapter is going to be the real hook. I have not written it yet. Hope you 7 people can enjoy it haha


Shout out to whoever it is that has binge read more than 60 chapters in 24 hours and voted for every chapter. Hats off to you — my record is only like 20.idk if they want a shoutout with their username but I am flattered regardless!