
If you don't know, my BIRTHDAY PAST 
          	Like a couple days ago . MAY 20


Omg , guys . I AM SO SORRY , I kind of like use @collaborationsisters a lot more , and I feel sorry . Also I am starting a new school for 5th grade and , it's kinda frustrating . I am also trying to over come depression because a lot of my friends hate me now , and only use me for popularity , good grades , and a hm life saver . Today my grandma is moving away , and it's breaking my heart . My mom and dad got into a fight . And I act like a herrmit , well I am . I'm ashamed to confess this . A lot of people judge me , like ' self harm doesn't do good ' or ' suicide won't solve anything . But , like am I the only one who is like " why the heck would I hurt my self , and this beautiful bodah ?! " like I don't get why people hurt themselves  , like if someone insults you , just slap them ! So I'm sorry for wasting your time . I might not post because I'm just not feeling it this year ... If you want 2 talk pm me or my collaboration account


@KhamfongThammavong ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️