
I’m finally back! I’ve finally have motivation to finish chapter 10. Sorry if I took so long. (Let’s just forget that I haven’t updated anything in the past few months.) Also, I’m aware of the Pghlfilms drama, and I’m not taking sides either. 


@Kera0711  Mkay. We won't force you. I'm not taking any sides either but since I'm emotionally attracted to him a lot uhmmm


I’m finally back! I’ve finally have motivation to finish chapter 10. Sorry if I took so long. (Let’s just forget that I haven’t updated anything in the past few months.) Also, I’m aware of the Pghlfilms drama, and I’m not taking sides either. 


@Kera0711  Mkay. We won't force you. I'm not taking any sides either but since I'm emotionally attracted to him a lot uhmmm


Sorry for not updating for awhile, 
          I've been lazy, ever since Christmas break. And I also realized that some of the chapters doesn't make any sense that needs to be fixed, like for example: When Zizzy came back, George suddenly said to Willow "she's not infected Willow, I saw her." (Chapter 9) 
          And, Chapter 10 would take longer than I thought will be. Because I have to start the whole chapter all over again, because of my mistake. And lastly, for chapter 8.. Some of the words got deleted. It was supposed to be like 800+ words and it now turned to 300+ words. 
          So, yeah.. I'll update you guys soon. 
          Peace out. 


Why did you follow me?


Ok, well I'll let you get back to reading book four now


@Anglezx well, chapter 18 and chapter 24 is my fav part because I like the part that have some little a bit some drama (excuse my grammar)