
Would anyone be interested in reading short stories? I’m slowly getting back into writing more and working on things that aren’t fan fiction, but would anyone be interested? I already have a story lined up that got published in a literary magazine that my friends suggested to post here. 


Would anyone be interested in reading short stories? I’m slowly getting back into writing more and working on things that aren’t fan fiction, but would anyone be interested? I already have a story lined up that got published in a literary magazine that my friends suggested to post here. 


Also I have deleted most of my books. I am very unhappy with how my stories used to be and I’m just not into the same content anymore. I will still continue writing and I have two upcoming books and my current book is going under editing with the published and unpublished chapters. I’m getting back into posting again so keep an eye out!!


Ngl, for the people waiting for my Emerald Secret story to be updated, I completely forgot that I had posted that. I’m so sorry! I’m currently working on some behind the scenes writing and will hopefully return to it soon


Imagine crying about dying. I was sleeping but still be somewhat conscious, and you feel your heartbeat slowdown, almost stopping. It hurts, but it’s okay, because you would finally be able to be on the other side, but then your heart rate picks up again, and you wake up alive. I was so close to being able to be there, so close