
@writetospeak I will :)


I'm gonna rant a little so ignore me. The cast list was posted earlier and I got cast as a "kid" because the freaking director casts by looks and since no Charlie Brown characters have red hair I was put in the freaking ensemble. For. The. Fourth. Time. In. A. Row. I can understand being in the ensemble for the musicals because I'm not a very singer but I am a good actress my drama teacher has told me but of course the freaking DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER is directing it so I get thrown in the ensemble. I really do t know why I bothered to audition I knew this was gonna happen. Plus, I absolutely DESPISE Charlie Brown its so stupid and I'm an idiot. Sorry guys had to get that out there -Kendie xx<3


So guys I auditioned for my high schools 8th and 9th grade play A Charlie Brown Christmas earlier and they had me read for Marcie in a scene with peppermint pattie but the girl they chose to read for peppermint patty is more of a Marcie and I'm definitely a peppermint pattie so I'm probably not gonna get a good part... :( four years in a row I'm gonna get rejected whatever -Kendie xx<3