
Alright guys I have finished Ch 1 and Re-uploaded it. I took what you guys said and also did some editing on the way so I hope that it is better than ever! Feel free to lmk your thoughts and opinions on this chapter. I will begin Ch 2 shortly but school has been on me lately and I've had a lot to do so it may be a bit but rest assured that this is not the end of our Journey! 
          	- Love Kenny <3


Alright guys I have finished Ch 1 and Re-uploaded it. I took what you guys said and also did some editing on the way so I hope that it is better than ever! Feel free to lmk your thoughts and opinions on this chapter. I will begin Ch 2 shortly but school has been on me lately and I've had a lot to do so it may be a bit but rest assured that this is not the end of our Journey! 
          - Love Kenny <3