
Check out my new wattpad story


To those of you who have been reading the Gemstone Royals series, thank you very much! Just one announcement: I marked Dark Rider (part 2) as complete but I've decided to continue working on it. Because if I were to pick up a new series from where it ended it would require starting off with too many loose ends from part 2 to tie up. Andddd I feel like I owe it to you guys to answer as much of your Dark Rider questions as I can in Dark Rider.  We learn as we write right! So stay tuned and thanks for understanding. :D


Thank you so much Miss. Purcell. I am sincerely honoured and humbled. Thanks for the follow. God bless you. 


@Funmilola00195 Thank you very much. Looking forward to your constructive observations and advice


@Funmilola00195  :D Same here. Thanks for the support. All the best with your writing. I'll be sure to check it out soon.