

Dear friends of my daughter,
          This is Martha's mother. My daughter recently attempted suicide and is on the way to the hospital. She left a note in her hand saying either her brother or I should email a few people. I don't know if she'll make it. She tried to strangle herself with her brother's controller. Her pulse is highly low and she's barely breathing. I shall inform you all of any developments. Please share this news on Wattpad for me as I don't know how to use it. Thank you and I'm sorry that this is happening.
          Martha's Mother.


When the people you love are gone, you're alone. ...


This is beautiful


Remember Your Spirit is A Godly Soul. Therefore think of yourself 
            As a Peaceful Spirit of God's Children. Whomever you have lost pray them to you in Spirit and they in turn will follow you into your heart. Remember their voice in conversations direct to you. And you shall never be separated. For your Soul lives forever never dying. 
            You will feel glorious in your salvation beyond the Vail. To treasure. Bless you, Author DeeAnn Gorman. 