
I have 16 notifications on this app and some of the notifications I saw but didn't click on like a week ago 


I am having a sleepover with 2 of my beasties and my cousin and rn I am the only one awake and I have been watching tiktok for like an hr and the kight us on and bright so I don't know how they fell asleep especially sense we saw a weird creature in my principles yard and her or her husband aren't home (BTW it's 2:47am)


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Tomorrow is Sunday and then it's the last week of school like ong I can't fucking wait to be free fr9m this living hell but sadly my bestie (pookie #222) is going to school where her mom lives next year
          But at least I have 3 other friends plus @americanswisscheese aka cookie number 666


@americanswisscheese can you belive that after tmr its the last week of school which means the days are extra short, like shorter than a typical Wednesday 