
Hey everyone! I am sorry for being not that active on Wattpad these past few months. There was a family matter that  needed my full attention. I am trying to pick up my old reading and posting habits again but it might need some tome till I can adjust it to my current situation. And I  will most definitely continue reading the books of the very talented authors of this app! I am way too intrigued in the stories to not continue reading them! 
          	Lots of love and greetings to all the wonderful people on this app -KayLee


Hey everyone! I am sorry for being not that active on Wattpad these past few months. There was a family matter that  needed my full attention. I am trying to pick up my old reading and posting habits again but it might need some tome till I can adjust it to my current situation. And I  will most definitely continue reading the books of the very talented authors of this app! I am way too intrigued in the stories to not continue reading them! 
          Lots of love and greetings to all the wonderful people on this app -KayLee




Hi there! I just came across you're profile. I'm also a fellow writer and wanted to ask if you wanted to check out my book Flirting with Love. The author you follow JSPRomcoms is reading my story right now and I thought maybe you would be interested


Thank you so much!


Yeah sure I always love to check out good stories!