
//how i wonder what if we were all born as homosexuals being criticized for going heterosexual instead? its a curious thought, once you forget about the technicalities


I miss you I hope all is okay


Hey, just letting you know you are missed ❤


//how i wonder what if we were all born as homosexuals being criticized for going heterosexual instead? its a curious thought, once you forget about the technicalities


/i dont know if there was ever a time where i hated myself as much as i have lately. i hurt so many people, and now i am hurting myself, i am so stupid, and i cannot be forgiven, things are so different, and i can't cope, there are things i miss, there are things i dont, there are my dreams that will never come true and there are marks that i made, that i cannot erase. 
for what have i become?
  • Decembra1998

    You just have to try day by day to reconcile what happened, and try your best to move on. It takes a long while, believe me, some may stay for a long time while others go away quite soon.
  • EyesInMyGalaxy

    @KayKayLuvzKookie Hey, Hey, Hey. Calm down. It's okay if you hurt other people, as long as you make up for it in the end. talk to @TheRealVampire. He's torn. Please, don't hurt yourself. PLEASE! People make mistakes. If we didn't, we wouldn't be human. Cope some other way. Write your heart out of Wattpad. If you don't have a story, make one! If you have no ideas, I can help; I have SO many ideas, and all them are different books. But, here's the thing; I have too many books. I can help you! Yes, you CAN be forgiven. It just takes time. I promise. Please, don't cut. There are other ways. No, I've never cut. But I've thought about it. I know several people who used to do it. The one stopped. So did the other. I know a lot of people on Wattpad who used to cut. I go to her when I need help. She used to cut. When I told her I was looking at that steak knife, she begged me not to do it. So, I didn't. And I haven't looked at one for that purpose since. It's a think that you get addicted to. 
    You have become a lost soul. Someone who doesn't know where you are. Your stuck. Not a bad person. No, just a person who needs some guidance. I can help.
  • EyesInMyGalaxy

    @TheRealVampire Alright, alright. I just. . . . . . . . . . . I know this is pathetic, because as my mother says, "It's not your problem, so why worry about it?" But, I don't like seeing relationships going to waist. And NO, I don't mean you 2 are dating. But 'relationship', I mean you 2 have/had a relationship, whether a friendship, or a friendship, or just some words.


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