
I'm going to start writing stories again and hopefully I can finish one. If you have any ideas message me and let me know.


I'm going to start writing stories again and hopefully I can finish one. If you have any ideas message me and let me know.


People aren't with you goe very long. But thry can be gone in a split second. Thats how fast death is. I had 5 out of 7 kittens die last year. (Two litters) then today at five am in the morning I find my five month old dieing on the floor I pick him up. It seems like he smiles at me and then moves on. His name was lemmy ean killmyster. Like the singer. He was also a fighter. Neither could win the fight of death. But who can? We all die at one point right?


          What do you think if all the killing and fighting going on right now? Whats your perspective on it all? Do you agree withvit or do you hate it all? Please answer some of these questions as replies.
          I want to know what you think.


this is from the peace project:
          We have come a long way.
           Baby steps, but none the less, positive steps forward.
           The PEACE PROJECT will continue. The support we have received so far has been amazing and I am sure that as time goes, we will receive more.
           Peace is not about right now or December 31, 2015...
           It is about leaving a legacy for our children and grandchildren and their children and so on.
           It is up to us to start this legacy and I am sure they will carry it on until one day there will be complete and total Peace.
           We are the beginning.
           We are doing well.
           I for one will continue to promote this Peace initiative as long as I can and I ask all of you out there to do the same. We can do this. 
           I know we can.
           Peace is worth the effort.
           Thank you one and all ..... Thank you
          Pass this on when you get it.


@unluky13 thank you so much for this... it means a lot to all of us at 