
Hello Everyone, I have been thinking, and I am wondering if you guys would like me to start a shorts and one-shots book for my completed story Percy Jackson love of Aphrodite, kind of like the one I have for my new god series.  I am trying to get back into writing, and I know a lot of people loved that story so I thought that I might do that since I don't really have an idea for a full sequel and never really intended to write one.  maybe I can write some more of Silena's childhood, or maybe Luke's, and of course some more Perodite moments.  Would you guys like that?




@KatieMossman omg yes! That sounds Amazing you should definitely write that!


Gonna keep pushing the agenda or write an actual narrative? If it’s the latter then yeah, your ability is good.


Hello Everyone, I have been thinking, and I am wondering if you guys would like me to start a shorts and one-shots book for my completed story Percy Jackson love of Aphrodite, kind of like the one I have for my new god series.  I am trying to get back into writing, and I know a lot of people loved that story so I thought that I might do that since I don't really have an idea for a full sequel and never really intended to write one.  maybe I can write some more of Silena's childhood, or maybe Luke's, and of course some more Perodite moments.  Would you guys like that?




@KatieMossman omg yes! That sounds Amazing you should definitely write that!


Gonna keep pushing the agenda or write an actual narrative? If it’s the latter then yeah, your ability is good.


Hi Katie,
          I love your writing. I just want to say thank you because you gave me courage that in Wattpad you can post anything you love even as simple as drawing. You gave me the courage to create my book 
          "All the stories I heard and read while growing up". 
          Thanks a lot


I have been working on updates for some of my stories, and  I  also started a new one, but I  am going to  try  and write all of that before I post it. I may not  be  able  to  post  new chapters  right  away  though,  because  over the weekend where I live was hammered by hurricane  Fiona. I  am fine, but  we don't have power back  yet and I  have no  idea when we are going to get it back. Right now  I  am  using the  mobile data on my phone  but  I don't  want to  use it too much. I  will keep  writing  since I  can do  that  without  wifi and we have a Generator so  I  can charge my tablet, but  I  won't  be  able to  post anything  until our  power is fixed.


@KatieMossman good luck with everything, hun! So sorry about the situation you're in :(