
I SURVIVED THE SCHOOL YEAR YAYAYAYAY okay who's got requests cause I actually have time now!!


I'm absolutely out of fanfic ideas... If anyone has any ideas/requests, *please* feel free to message me!


@LoriMandle usually hurt/comfort sort of prompts or sickfics **insert shrug here**


What kind of stuff do you like?


oh hey! Guess what? I can't freaking write fanfiction anymore this is a problem-
          Context, anyone?
          Well, you see, i started writing this book and now it's stealing all my time. Who'd want to read it? I may post a few scenes here and there. (:


Hey y'all!
          So I have a question and an announcement.
          Question: Does anyone know how to report users or messages on Fanfiction.net? 
          Announcement: I am taking requests. I'm currently working on one so I If you have one it might take a little bit of time. But feel free to send me any requests you have!
          I hope everyone is doing well during this difficult time!
          Peace and God bless!