
For any future followers. I do a lot of writing in what little spare time I  find. My preferences are fantasy or Post Apoc or anything fictional but I really love adult Chrstian books like Frank Peretti's books, The Oath,Monster, Hangman's Curse, etc. But I love Ted Dekker's books too which are much the same as Peretti. Very gritty but clean which I love. you get the realism of the world without the sex, swearing and violence that I like to get a break from. That is not to say that I do not like dark sexy stories either, quite the contrary, I do like gritty R rated stuff now and then.   I hope to get some more complete writings of my own on here but who knows.


For any future followers. I do a lot of writing in what little spare time I  find. My preferences are fantasy or Post Apoc or anything fictional but I really love adult Chrstian books like Frank Peretti's books, The Oath,Monster, Hangman's Curse, etc. But I love Ted Dekker's books too which are much the same as Peretti. Very gritty but clean which I love. you get the realism of the world without the sex, swearing and violence that I like to get a break from. That is not to say that I do not like dark sexy stories either, quite the contrary, I do like gritty R rated stuff now and then.   I hope to get some more complete writings of my own on here but who knows.