
After seeing Lily talking about Harry Potter to Helaena, I can't stop thinking how cute and funny it would be to see Lily trying to explain and tell about Harry Potter to her brothers and sister, and her nephews, that would really make me laugh a lot.


Will Lily have a dragon? If so, I hope it is as strong and fearsome.
          that surpasses Balerion, that is monstrous, perhaps like Tiamat, a dragon that has 5 heads, each of which breathes a different breath.


@RenaEtiel Lily WILL have a dragon in the future (but it will take a while chapter wise to get to that point). I have already started thinking about what that dragon will be (sorry to say they will not have five heads, nor will they breathe different types of fire, but that is a really cool idea) but they will be special and they will be fearsome and strong  


I would definitely go crazy with boredom in Lily's place.....
          I can't spend 2 seconds away from my cell phone, I would really miss my electronic devices, games, series, and the internet.
          It makes me wonder, what does Lily do to pass her time besides studying, what does she do for fun?


@RenaEtiel Lily reads, draws, goes to her lessons (school), trains, and goes into the streets of King's Landing as a doctor. She basically forces herself to always be busy because she grew up in the 21st century in America so she has the tendencies and attention span of such.


I need to say, I'm loving "Crimson dragon", I'm always waiting for a new update, I'm addicted.
          The difficult part is that there is no rehabilitation clinic for this type of addiction
          I'm really looking forward to reading more about this story, after all I see few people challenging themselves to change fictional works and transform them into something totally new, charismatic and different.
          Your writing is wonderful and you are very creative.❤❤❤


You are amazing I hope for more updates


@RenaEtiel This really means a lot
            I always think that when you add a new character(OC) to a fictional world somethings have to change because they are there (Butterfly Effect). This is what I'm trying to do with my fics, especially this one.


Hiya I love crimson dragon it’s so unique and amazing can’t wait for the next update ;) 


Thanks for the update queen xx 


Thanks for replying , looking for ward to the next update 