
Merry Christmas everyone. :)




@Rysmomjen I lost my old acc so this is my new one.


@Rysmomjen Sorry how can I help?


i have a few questionsss @KarmaandtheUnderdogs


Dear all my readers,
          Sorry I have been away for so long. I had to change my account for reasons that I will not go into detail about. Thank you all so much for the reads, votes, and comment. Is so nice to see so many people engaged. I wish you good luck on whatever path you decide to go down but before you do, take a little time to think. Just think.
          The Keeper


Hello everyone. I decided that I don't only want to be about Creepypasta. Tell me what else I should write about. I took down my other books because they weren't getting enough views and I thought it was a waste to keep them up. Thank you and have a great day everyone. :)


Hello everyone. Sorry if I haven;t posed recently. School has kept me very busy. As of now, I have 3 books. A Creepypasta Q&A book and 2 stories I wrote myself. I will be happy to write some more books. Please tell me what else you would like me to add. Thank you for supporting me and have a great day everyone.


Hey all, I'm really glad to see everyone is enjoying my book. Something happen in real life where my computer shut down and everything was deleted and I couldn't get back into my account so I made another one. I hope y'all have a good day.


Hello everyone! Thanks for checking me out. Go to my website, there is a couple WeVideos I have done. You should really love it if you are a My Hero Academia fan! Sorry, they are kind of bad, but have fun!


Hey all. I have changed my name. You all can call me The Creepypasta Studyer. As my name says, I am very intrested in Creepypasta and study them. Please don't post any hate comments. Creepypasta is like a religion and people take this very personaly to the point of killing others to "prove themselfs". Please keep all mean comments to yourself. I will try to hopefully post somethings on several different topics. Please let me know if there is anything you want to see. Thanks and have a great day!