
Im back! But @SammyCottonCandy has taken over this account! yay!!! I probably won't be updating anything unless Allie sends me stuff but I want a second account lol


So guys this is actually @SammyCottonCandy and Zara will not be active anymore, you can still read and follow her but just know that there will most likely be no more updates and none of the read-read follow-follow stuff as she is not on Wattpad anymore! Sorry guys but if you have any questions or concerns pm me!


So, I'm trying really hard not to let go of Running Through Death, and as you guys might have noticed, I unpublished Determining the Consequences.  Ya, I'm not a big shot Wattpad account, but it doesn't mean were not all great writers.  Like I said before, any feedback would me great.  So, I encourage all of you guys to share my account and stories with your friends, please.  It would actually mean SO much to me.


ATTENTION:  I have a decent amount of followers that speak different languages, SO, I will be making some books in other languages so that others can enjoy things too!    Please tell me which language you want


Also, I will be using google translate and some other things to my best of my ability.