
It's honestly aggravating me that I'll know  what to write perfectly in my mind, but when it's actually comes to writing something down - nothing I want to write comes out.  Writer's block problems.


I' am truly sorry for not coming on here for a while - I've just been really busy. 
          As well as, I just fallen out with my now "Ex" best friend, - whom I've known for, at least for 4 or 5 years. I'm not going to go in detail on why I've fallen out with her. But it goes to show that, no matter how long you know someone, it doesn't mean it's literally alright to treat you like crap.    
          When I've edited the first chapter, and it doesn't go nowhere,  - I'll probably take it down and start a planned book.  Which I'm sure it will go somewhere. 
          Xxx. :-).


Thanks for the follow! I'm on the Wattpad app with my Apple iPhone4s with the latest version of iOS8 and it says you're not following anyone it says the same to my best friend who recently joined and followed me when I followed her back.
          Do you have this problem with the app if you have it?


Thanks for following me, you awesome person with the awesome "about me"! I followed back :3 Please do read my story 'Bad luck and second chances' if you have some time... It would mean a lot to me ^-^  Have a great day/night! xx Arshiiax3.