
HI GUYS, I don't know if you read my book. Stuck With Love and Hate but I might be taking it off for a while. Let me know what you think I should do. I will only be taking it off and then after I make changes republishing it because why not. Anyways thanks for the support! Bye guys!


HI GUYS, I don't know if you read my book. Stuck With Love and Hate but I might be taking it off for a while. Let me know what you think I should do. I will only be taking it off and then after I make changes republishing it because why not. Anyways thanks for the support! Bye guys!


Probs should've said this yesterday, but I will now. Congratulations Donald Trump on winning the Presidential Election. Personally I am not a fan of him but we should give him a chance. Hillary gave it a shot and her speech regarding her feelings after the results was very touching. Just like Hillary said we should open up to him because this was not about fan favorite its about America. If you do not live in America sorry I know this is a world-wide website but I mean I felt the need to type this. So, Congratulations Mr. Trump.