
Yo, i just see you write Dxd fic Here is my advice never write Dxd story by using Dxd anime as reference, Because unlike in light novel, dxd version anime ruin a lot of characters, especially Issei's characters hard to the point that reduce him into fanservice machine.


@cooldud888  Well personally i didn't come across those fanfictions.
            But I feel sorry if you had to go through them.
            Few dxd stories that i will recommend would be One called [Frozen Gremory]
            Its the best story I read in neglected mc genres plus MC isn't a immature brat.
            And Second one that i really loved was one called [Transcend king]
            That has Aizen as MC in DxD world.
            Those two are my top picks in DxD genre till now


They did, 19 from 20 authors only watching anime or only read from other fanfics and let me tell you, their story only involved sigma hypocritical op Mc bashed and cuck other male characters and reach supremacy if they aren't already was since start.


@cooldud888 i don't think anime only guys want to write a story themselves 