
Hey guys, there was an issue I wanted to address.
          	I started writing this story during the pandemic, 1 of the most free times of my life. I loved writing it so much. 
          	But lately, I'm finding it emotionally + mentally draining to write a single scene. The way they used to come so naturally to me doesn't happen anymore. 
          	It used to bring me so much happiness, but now it leaves my head hurting after I complete writing a chapter. 
          	I don't know why this is happening, maybe transitioning from pandemic-online uni to full-time masters lab sessions & classes has taken a toll. I'm not able to balance anymore.
          	Would be great if I get a piece of advice from u guys.


@obvilionn thanks so much for this❣️ It feels like an ideal way to tackle my current situation  


@KaiseyEliysian Yup  author
          	  Smthing similar happened here
          	  Like maybe its coz we had a lot of time during pandemic but now
          	  Offline classes , assingnments , tests etc really take a toll mentally and emotionally
          	  I think if u take a big break like 2,3 months and complete a major part of ur this years course work(idk how ur uni works)then ull feel lighter mentally......enough to continue ur book


@imduckedup @feufeu15 @insane_over_books @fierce_cub @bhoomikajayakumar @RedOffshoulderGirl @gracienickanderson 
          	  Thank you so much guys for the guidance. I will wait till writing seems interesting to me again and not a chore ❣️ 


Hi!! I'm your new reader and just finished the 1st book and I can 100% say that out of all the books that I've read here, it is my favourite book so far. It's so good that I'm afraid to read the next book as it is not finished yet and might not be since you're dealing with your own life and this is probably  not your first priority in your life . But as much as I would like you to complete this, I would suggest you to take your time and put yourself first.  All the best with your writing. God bless you


I'm so excited to see you updated! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the first book!!! 
          I can't wait until you finish the second one so I can read it! I don't read books until they're complete because I don't want to get into a good book and it be discontinued. 
          If you haven't thought about it before, when you finish the second one, please think about putting them on Amazon. I would buy them in a heartbeat! RITRE was the first Wattpad book that I feel so deeply in love with. 


Hey, Hope you're doing okay.


@KaiseyEliysian Thank you for the update ❤️❤️
            Do take care ❤️


@kowalski_analysis12 hi, I'm better than before, thank u for asking ♡
            Updated a chapter today 


Please update soon 


@jimiyapabooo hi, unfortunately I can't promise that coz my irl schedule is too hectic and tiring. 
            Returned here only coz of Summer vacay 


@jimiyapabooo so glad please do not leave for long again 