
Found a new roleplay/story that is absolutely awesome, called "Bloodlust ~A Group Rp~" by bluebird223 , go and check them out!


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Well. I've run out of ideas, and options. So, I'm just gonna post here, and hope somebody takes the fucking bait/offer. Hi. I'm looking for a long term roleplay partner, who is mature, experienced with this kind of thing, nsfw is not required, but I hope you are ok with it, if not, message received. You have to be willing to play multiple characters at a time, because I will be doing the same. I have an idea for an alternate ending to Security Breach, that builds off of the burning of the Plex, and stems from my belief that Vanessa was freed from the virus that was controlling her and escaped, wanting to fix her mistakes. I will tell you more, IF you are interested...I only have 13 followers, one of which is my bff who is taking a break, so I have technically speaking, 12 chances to find another rp partner...please let the odds be in my favor.


Future me telling me off for the path I'm going down currently and that if I don't change it, it will become reality: Kiki...congratulations. You have invented a new kind of stupid, a damage you can never undo kind of stupid, an open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid- TRULY, you didn't think this through, kind of stupid. Let's review. You took your best friend who is finally happy with someone special, and decided to cling to her when she started "spending more time" with her lover, claiming you felt left alone and bored when you couldn't rp with her- she begged you to give it a rest, you refused to! So scared of what your friends could do to you, you're the only person who has ever been doing anything unto you! You know why other people get to be happy, they don't cling to their friends like a toxic harpy! So yeah, congratulations. You've redefined your future! Congratulations.
          Me trying to justify my actions: I just don't want to be left alone!
          Future Me: Alone...? We tried so hard to move on and make new friends, after getting cut off for their well-being...look at you and think of them and "God what have we done with our life, and what did it get us?" It doesn't wipe all the tears or the years away, and now your back with your parents and there to stay, and you know what I'm here to do...
          Future Me: I'm not here to help you...You know your sister like you know your own MIND, you will never FIND anyone as trusting or as kind! And a million years ago she said to you: "We'll be fine"... but we're...not fine...DO YOU KNOW WHY?! I loved my sister more than anything in this life, I would choose her happiness over MINE, EVERY TIME~! ABBY~! Was the best thing in our lives! So never lose sight of the fact that you had been blessed with the best sis! Congratulations! For the rest of our life, we'll be reminded of the fact that we pushed her away, and that is all on us! CONGRATULATIONS!