
Sorry I’ve been MIA guys, I’ve lost all inspiration.


          	  Hey no worries. Glad you are still kicking and even thinking about writing.
          	  Wattpad and the readers will be here nonetheless so no worries. 


They deleted my books completely off wattpad due to the content. I’m so sorry guys ! I will have to change the story and start completely from scratch. I lost everything I wrote and they didn’t even give me a warning first so I could save it somewhere else. Absolutely gutted by this and I’m sorry I let y’all down :( 


How would you feel about your readers helping to piece your stories back together? I mean having them help weave your stories to reattain them. I at least remember the sequence of events (and some details) of one of your stories well.
            I apologize if that was impertinent as I imagine you also want the specific wording of your stories back.


Aw man ;_; I was looking forward to re-read it. I'm very sorry this happened and hope it doesn't demotivate you, you got this! 


@KaedinAlex so that why I can not find my favorite book. Men it suck why do Wattpad do this 


Hey dear author, enjoyed and loved "The forbidden Attraction"...I read that years and recently re-read it...Can you please work on Chase's story...He also deserves his happy ending... desperately Waiting...
          With lots. Of love❤️♥️