
Hi Kate. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks for starting your read through of the Tempestatem. I've written these messages for a lot of people, but I have to admit that your comments - I'll address all of them, by the way - hit home more than most.
          I've been taking feedback and listening in, absorbing what might work and what might not, as I prepare for my edit, but you're the first to be able to actually discern my mind through my writing.
          It made me shiver almost, and not a lot of people manage to do that. I really, really hope that of all people, I never lose you as a reader! :D
          Trust me, I had a smile plastered through my face as I got your notifications, which I why I decided to type this out even as I'm slammed with work at office. Had to make sure you understood what this means to me :)
          Having said all of that, I genuinely hope that you enjoy the Tempestatem enough to stay a reader without effort. Thank you again, for everything!