
Finally a new Breeze chapter! I've been thinking about the story's future lately and I'm so excited that I just have to finish this soon or I'll burst into a mess of words. Can't wait to start getting them out at least once a month *aiming low haha


Finally a new Breeze chapter! I've been thinking about the story's future lately and I'm so excited that I just have to finish this soon or I'll burst into a mess of words. Can't wait to start getting them out at least once a month *aiming low haha


So I've been reading like crazy since I've become temporarily *cough* unemployed >ω> and it's been really nice.
          I figured out the other day, while perusing Walmart electronics for my husband's new phone, that I really prefer typing stories on a physical keyboard, as opposed to a digital one on a phone. I doubt this is the whole reason behind my block, but it might have something to do with it. 


Currently, I'm early for work and that's the time I have to work on Breeze. I have roughly two hours a day, if I'm lucky and my manager doesn't have a slough of stories to share with me, to write and edit.
          I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous to be done editing Breeze. I'm worried that the new chapters won't be smooth and that it'll seem rushed or forced. 
          I'm doing my best, and I think I'll worry about extensive character development at a later date so as to let everything flow for now. I've got all the ideas on how to wrap up the first book in the series( I haven't decided a name yet, but I really should.) I plan forbid to be at least two books, but we'll see how long I can keep you all interested.
          Speaking of which, I'm very grateful for those of you who have re read or read the updated Breeze Trials. Seeing your support means a lot to me and it makes me that much more excited. 
          I have an idea for a new story, but I think I'll hold off until I finish breeze and grab some more chapters of lilium and bittersweet. 


Slowly but surely, I'm moving towards a better goal. Unfortunately, I'll be finishing these stories now one at a time. Editing might be a different story (Ayyy) but I can't be sure. I hope you'll all stay with me and, for those of you who've read what I've already published, I hope you don't mind rereading once I've fixed my mistakes and started continuing the story. 
          Thank you all and thank you to my new followers as well!


At the moment, I am very close to graduating early, so I'm putting all my focus into that and finding a job in order to live. That mixed with some harsh news and realizations, the stories have sort of lost priority.
          BUT once I have the free time and stability, I plan on, hopefully, starting a Dedication story, and then taking notes on all my characters and refreshing stories in my mind. 
          It's hard not giving up, but now more than ever, I know I can't. For me, for you guys, and for Skyler.


I just wrote again. For the first time in what, a year?
          It was just finishing a chapter, but it felt so nice. It felt so relaxing leaving myself and being with my characters again. I missed my fictional friends. 
          I don't think I want to be too busy anymore. I don't want to forget about the stories im weaving.


          So a co-author of Animorphs came and spoke to my creative writing class 
          Because of this, I've decided to completely re-vamp the beginning of Breeze Trials. Ill be adding some back story and chapters. i currently am a bit slow going


so I'm sure you're getting annoyed by this, but i Again, won't be updating any time soon. I'm in a play, I have bounces of homework, and I'm trying to finish a big and slow moving craft project all while trying to make time for my relationship and stay happy. its hard, but I know I can do it and hopefully during the breaks I'll be lucky and get some motivation. 
          thank you guys for your patience with me