
You can read my tips on blurb writing over at the YA Writer's Conference hosted by @youngadultreads
          	You, yes you, can learn to write better blurbs!


          i just wanted to say I really enjoyed the modern kaidan books! they were incredibly written and the story was just so unique. officially one of my favourite stories. it was so enthralling. the books made me feel as if i was transported into the story. i just want to commend you on the books. 
          also tim burton is awesome. :)
          keep on creating. 


@LastOneOfADyingBreed sorry for the late reply (well, really late) but thank you so much, your message made my day!


Reader-chan, I have something to tell you. I know we're here trying to enjoy Comic-Con trailers or listening to Hybrid Theory again today, but I...I...
          I'm back. 
          You didn't think I abandoned you, did you? 
          If you head on over to the last chapters of Kaidan or Kaidan:Meibatsu you can catch a sneak peak of what I've been working on next. It'll start posting next week so keep your head on a swivel. 


I'm an official My Modern Kaidan fan. Love every intriguing bit of mystery, every hint of gore, and all the characters for what we see and don't see. ;) Also, dropping by to say thank you so very much for voting on my story 'Lies' as well, I am honored you're reading! ❤️


@_Somethinggreater_  no problem! I've really been enjoying your work.


@KRRodriguez *o* (gasp) and thank you for following! I'm now avidly enjoying the thrill of MMK: Meibatsu. Even though I'm dying to find out all the answers, I really don't want it to end. <3


@KRRodriguez ahh thank you so much! Needless to say I screamed a bit when I got the notification from TNT, completely unexpected given there were over 3000 entries. Currently, I'm expanding on the original short story due to the fact that I'm in love with the characters and think they deserve more content and clarity. Thanks again friend, lovely chatting with you!