
Hey y'all, I've been going through old chapters and cleaning them up, adding a few more character details and trimming away some of my overlong paragraphs. Apologies for any update notifications that come from this!


I hope you like them! I think they're much improved. I've still got some more to go, but re-familiarizing myself with them is helping me get some new ideas for where to take new chapters. :)


@KRHubbard Shoot! And I'm just seeing this message now smh. I guess it's time to re read the chapters...again! Lol 
          	  Oh and it's fine. No worries! 


This book was absolutely amazing on many levels. Personally, I believe that the world we live in entails many things when we talk about dreams and our imaginary worlds that come to life. As a young reader, this book spoke to me on a way that in life I need to uphold my writing abilities. I thank you for sharing this book and I can't wait for the next one to come out because it left me on a cliffhanger. 


@marsio18 Thank you for the kind words! I'm actually still in the process of finishing it, so I hope not to leave you on a cliffhanger before the end of the book. :)


Hey y'all, I've been going through old chapters and cleaning them up, adding a few more character details and trimming away some of my overlong paragraphs. Apologies for any update notifications that come from this!


I hope you like them! I think they're much improved. I've still got some more to go, but re-familiarizing myself with them is helping me get some new ideas for where to take new chapters. :)


@KRHubbard Shoot! And I'm just seeing this message now smh. I guess it's time to re read the chapters...again! Lol 
            Oh and it's fine. No worries! 


Hey! I hope you're doing well. I don't usually comment on the books here so I don't really know how it works I am not sure if you'll read this, but if you do I just wanted to thank you for this amazing book. I LOVE it! It's so unique and interesting and I absolutely adore your writing style. Can't wait for the next update! 


@KristinaDeka Thank you very much for this message! I'm so glad you enjoy the book. :) I'm in a bit of a creative funk right now but messages like these help inspire me to keep writing. I hope to have an update for you soon! Be well and stay healthy.


Hey everyone, I wanted to let you know that I'm currently working on more chapters for Midnight Mind and will be updating the book very soon! I have had a flash of inspiration and a daily writing routine so I hope to carry this thing to the end. Stay tuned!