
Power Thoughts:
          	Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
          	Watch your words, for they become actions.
          	Watch your actions, for they become habits. 
          	Watch your habits, for they become character.
          	Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.


Power Thoughts:
          Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
          Watch your words, for they become actions.
          Watch your actions, for they become habits. 
          Watch your habits, for they become character.
          Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.


“When you’re having trouble ending a story, it’s because you don’t have a real beginning, a true conflict. The secret to endings is: The end is in the beginning. If the ending is your problem, look at your beginning. If the beginning is set up right, the characters propel the story to the end.”
          Excerpt From
          Immediate Fiction
          Jerry Cleaver
          This material may be protected by copyright.


What is a Goddess?
          A woman who is in the process of learning to know, accept and love herself on all levels, Mind Body and Spirit. A woman who, because she focuses on personal growth and self awareness, experiences a life, increasingly filled with peace, love, joy, passion and fun. A woman that understands that she has unlimited capacity to make her life anything she wants. A woman who is inspired to give to those around her because of her sense of gratitude and abundance. 


9 things to quit.......
          1) Trying to please everyone
          2) Fearing change
          3) Living in the past
          4) Overthinking
          5) Being afraid to be different 
          6) Beating yourself up over mistakes 
          7) Sacrificing your happiness for others 
          8) Thinking you're not good enough 
          9) Thinking you have no purpose 


“A good story cannot be denied. Like falling in love, it’s irresistible. It hits you before you have time to think. It touches your heart before it reaches your head. You’re drawn in—whether you want to be or not. And you don’t stand around asking, “Is it good?” or “Is it real?” These questions don’t even come up.”
          Excerpt From: Cleaver, Jerry. “Immediate Fiction.” iBooks. 
          This material may be protected by copyright.
          Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=385982684