
NEW STORY ALERT!!!!! Head over to @ImaniTaylor_ and check out "He Found Me"!!


did you guys just recently put "WSGUTD" on hold? Like this month or something? It seems really good. No rush to make a nee chapter or anything, I know things like this take time. But seriously your books are one of the best books I've read on here. Hope you get enough support to continue. I really want to see how it ends. JAKING IS GOALS. ;) 


@-goldenvibess- thanks so much for supporting us! it means a wholeeee lot, i hope we can start back writing soon, and i hope you will still be a reader xD


new* (no need to reply to the question, I saw that you posted it yesterday) :/ but I freaking love your books. like where do you come up with this?! it's amazing (: Hope you decide to continue. 