
Good evening and Happy Easter! 
          	As mentioned below in previous posts, The Dragon King’s Mate had been pulled ftom both Wattpad and Inkitt. The manuscript is undergoing work to be self-published on Amazon. More details to come later.  
          	Book 2 will begin the end of April exclusively on Inkitt. 
          	And, mark you calendars for April 15! Wildfire Rekindled will be published exclusively on Inkitt and 100% free to read. Its a stand alone novel in the world of The Dragon King’s Mate. A retelling of the old John Wayne movie McClintock! Its a spicy supernatural western romance, but be warned. Its gonna rip your heart out. 
          	For more news, uodates, etc. follow me on Inkitt! 


Good evening and Happy Easter! 
          As mentioned below in previous posts, The Dragon King’s Mate had been pulled ftom both Wattpad and Inkitt. The manuscript is undergoing work to be self-published on Amazon. More details to come later.  
          Book 2 will begin the end of April exclusively on Inkitt. 
          And, mark you calendars for April 15! Wildfire Rekindled will be published exclusively on Inkitt and 100% free to read. Its a stand alone novel in the world of The Dragon King’s Mate. A retelling of the old John Wayne movie McClintock! Its a spicy supernatural western romance, but be warned. Its gonna rip your heart out. 
          For more news, uodates, etc. follow me on Inkitt! 


Oh, one more thing, the book your reading here is an earlier version of draft 1. On Inkitt its calked Dragon’s Destiny: The Dragon King’s Mate. And, it’s different from what you’re reading here. For instance, the chapter describing the house is gone. There is much more dialogue. Chapters have been rearranged, rewritren, some deleted, and a few new ones added. 
          Oh, its overall 100x better than this version. But, you’ve only got until March 31 to read it, and you can only read it in Inkitt!


Hello! So sorry I haven’t been on here or responding to your messages snd comments. I actually got locked out of my account for several months. It was a mess, but its all fixed now. 
          I’m so happy you have enjoyed my book. I love, love, love reading your comments and reactions! 
          Important updates:
          1. If you haven’t finished reading this book, you have until March 31 to do so. At that point I will be taking the book down and prepping it to self publish through Amazon. 
          2. Chapters for book 2 will begin dropping on my Inkitt page starting in April. The current posted chapters are being rewritten. In fact the whole plot is being reorganized. Its going to  be a big book weaving 9 subplots together. Lots if romance, magic, dragons, and other creatures. This book will be available exclusively on my Inkitt page, so you should follow me there.
          3. I am almost done with a stand alone novella that bridges Books 1 and 2 called Wildfire Rekindled.  It will be available to read free exclusively on Inkitt at the end of this month. 
          4. Are you following me on Tik Tok? If not, you should be. And while you’re there, click my linktree and subscribe to my author email. 
          5. To free up more writing time, I’m limiting my social media activity to Tik Tok and Inkitt. So again, that’s where you should be following me . 
          Thanks for all your wonderful comments and support! XOXO KHolm