
Name: Alissa
          Race: British/American
          Hair Color: Violet
          Boy: Brandon (Well if he has a gf, just pick anyone)
          Eye Color: Blue/Green
          Um, well i wanna be Nash little sister sooo.... And well My personality is Sweet, Kind, And Funny.. Thanks, So A Fan of you


Could you please put me in your story group chat 
          Hair:dark brown
          Character: mark Thoma's  crush and hunters best friend 
          Feelings: is crushing on mark but doesn't no if he feels the same way
          Personality: kind,sweet,would never cheat on her boyfriend or hurt him in any way ,loves pranks,funny, loves her friends and would never turn on them no matter what also would always be there for them,is very beautiful inside and out,kind of looks like cat selman,would only be rude  to people who hurt her crush or friend, stands up for what she believes in.   I no this is a lot to ask but please this would mean a lot to me to be in your awesome story (I'm trying not to sound desperate ) ( but I do)